Friday, 31 January 2014

Perfection and Bulling.

So for my photography homework we has to research the photographers no photoshot of magazine surgery ( ) and whilst I was researching this all I could think about perfection and how everyone hopes and dreams to be 'perfect' yet me myself dosen't believe in the term 'perfect'. 

The way people nowadays label people things mainly mean things like fat, skinny, gay, ugly and so on, but the vast majority of people call celebrity's perfect. Even tho celebs do get hate aswell they mainly gets called perfect, beautiful, and amazing. I'm not going to lie I have thought of some celebrity's as perfect, even though they have probley not bin. For instance people say that Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato and One Direction are perfect yet people of the public May say that we have no clue what they think about them selfs. Us people of the public we have only seen that sertain celebrity after hours of Photoshop and editing to make them look... Perfect. 

Even regular people nowadays edit/photoshop their pictures because they do not feel comftable uploading pictures of there natural self for the world to see. This is meaning everyone's self asteem is going down and people feels worse about them selfs. The fact that people most likely teens are calling each other names and making people feel like poo. With all of this happening the percentage for teens to commit suicide has gone up dramatically over the last 50 years. In 2013 there was a whopping 4,400 deaths just by teenage suicide and another 100 tried to. 30% of students are bullies or victims on bulling and 160,000 students stay home from school each year due to bulling.

So my point is that yet everyone wants to be perfect, but barely anyone treats others like there perfect or even makes that feel good about them selfs. I would just like to say that to you reading this you may no be perfect but you're darn close to it :3 please don't feel bad about yourself, everyone has a 'perfect' feature about them somewhere and sometimes it's hard to find but hang on in there things will get better :3 

Zoe xx

I got all of my thoughts from this website go check it out!

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